A downloadable game

How To Play

You, the player, takes control of the snake, which is always moving forward. You can change the direction the snake moves, but you can't make it stop moving. Your objective is to eat the food blocks to gain points. Eating food will also increase the length of the snake by 1. However, should you collide with either yourself or a wall block, then it's game over.


Play snake, eat yellow food blocks. Every 10 seconds, yellow blocks remaining turn into gray wall blocks. Don't hit them or yourself or it's game over.


You can play this with either Keyboard or a Gamepad. Volume controls are keyboard only though (sorry).

Keyboard Controls

KeyAlternate Key
WUp ArrowMove Up
SDown Arrow
Move Down
ALeft Arrow
Move Left
DRight ArrowMove Right
EscPause Game
+Volume Up
-Volume Down
EscWhile pause, unpause the game
EnterWhile paused, restarts the game
EnterWhen game over, restarts game

Gamepad Controls

The Button Names used below are based on the XBox controller

ButtonAlt Button 1
Alt Button 2Action
Dpad-UpLeft or Right Joystick Up
YMove Up
Dpad-DownLeft or RIght Joystick DownAMove Down
Dpad-LeftLeft or RIght Joystick LeftXMove Left
Dpad-RightLeft or Right Joystick RightBMove Right
Start/MenuPause Game
Start/MenuWhile paused, unpause game
Select/ShareWhile paused, restarts game
Select/ShareWhen game over, restarts game


SnakeButEvery10Seconds.zip 20 MB

Install instructions

  1.  Download the SnakeButEvery10Seconds.zip
  2. Extract somwhere on your pc
  3. Run the SnakeButEvery10Seconds.exe file


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Incredibly nifty game I love the spin on an old classic that perfectly fits the the theme!